Tuesday, November 29, 2016

My name is...

Hello. My name is Audrey Donahue and I’m a vampire. Whether you choose to believe me or not, that’s up to you; if you’re thinking this is just another estrogen-laden vampire story, so be it. If anything, you’ll at least have another story to read and laugh at while waiting for the greatest movie of all time to come to theaters (in how many years, again?). Unlike those epic cinematic sagas with Hollywood names, consider this read more episodic with names other people most likely have that you've heard before somewhere in your past; like you’re watching television only with typed print instead of those Tinseltown actors. This writing process won’t be neat, only truthful. There have been times of great joy, great satisfaction, great sorrow, and great exhaustion (like a human, only heightened).
For the last 55 years, I’ve been on a mission to prove who the real monsters are…the ones hidden in plain sight (no, I don’t count and you’ll see why later). I go after these beings. It didn’t start the way its done now, but I was new to the whole self-control thing. With time (too much of it on my hands now), I was able to learn how monsters must be dealt with.
That being said, enjoy the next episode!